Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well I missed it

I missed the first elimination on DWTS tonight.  I was slightly bummed when I realized it, then when I found out that Brenda Walsh oops.. I mean Shannon Doherty had been voted off I was glad I hadn't really missed anything.  I mean she really has no personality, well at least not a good one.  Everytime I see her I still am hoping to see the crazy old school Shannon from the early 90's. Now she just seemed boring, so unfortunately for her her dancing days are over.  Oh well.

So you are probably wondering where in the world I was on this fine Tuesay evening.  Where else but every kids favorite place and every parents worst nightmare... Chuck E Cheese
Some friends of ours from out of town were here and wanted to celebrate their kids birthdays and so they graciously invited us along for the adventure.  Who am I to say no to a giant mouse and skee ball?  Mike was going to come along and meet us later after Zach's lacrosse practice, lucky for him he wound up at the wrong Chuck E Cheese!!!  Poor thing...okay not really, I think he actually felt bad for missing the fun, but I really think it was really all a big plan to get out of being beaten at air hockey by a 3 year old.  (Matt has a serious knack for that game and soon enough we will be taking out to bars and placing bets on him). 

We did all finally make it home safely and full of pizza and chocolate cake and I can now say I have no need to go back to ChuckE's for at least another year!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My other love

For those of you that know me IRL you know I have an obsession.  I love my family, my boys are my heart, but there is something else that gets my heart a twitter.  You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach, the excitement, the anxiousness the anticipation......

of a new episode of your favorite TV show.  Well in my world there are a lot of "shows".  I went through a serious reality TV phase (ok it may be arguable that I am still going through this "phase" but who doesn't love the Jersey Shore, Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, the Real Housewives and all of the other ridiculousness!!!)  But this brings me to the reason for my post tonight.

Dancing with the Stars

I have issues.  Big issues with tonights episode.  1st off lets discuss Nicole Schersblahblah (I can't remotely figure out how to say or type her last name).  She has so obviously had dance training it is ridiculous.  I mean who in God's name gets 10's on the 2nd dance of the season.  It is ridiculous.  (Yes I know that this blog post is slightly ridiculous as well.)  But really she has no business being on a show for people that have never danced.  She just looks like an ass trying to pull off the "I really can't dance, it is so different that my other choreography".  It is insulting and annoying.    So DWTS please stop thinking we are stupid, we aren't and we know she can dance so lets just judge her differently and make her really work for it.  Her and Evan, don't think I have forgotten about our Olympic gold medalist.  I mean really, isn't ice skating dancing on ice, or is that ice dancing?  Well either way he shouldn't be on the show either.  Make it fun to watch like Pamela does.  Let us hide our eyes in embarassment for the likes of Buzz Aldrin.  Don't get me wrong I love an American hero as much as the next guy but the whole point of the show, or so I thought, was to watch people learn to dance, not show us how good they already are.  We like seeing people step on their partners toes, even God willing fall down.  Give us what we want Dancing and bring us the clumsy and uncoordinated, because it is what we want.

Oh thank heavens for Kate Gosselin!  She is why I watch to see that kind of dance and then in 9 weeks see her get better.  That was the worst dance I have ever seen and I loved every stinkin' second of it!  It was so painful to watch that I did have to look away and hope that it was over, but thankfully it just kept going. :  )

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bedtime Routine

Tonight I thought I would discuss our bedtime routine, or even better how about a
 Scott Family bedtime in pictures.

Every good bedtime routine begins with a great bath!

And really fun bathtimes include visits by our older brothers.

Drying off is crucial to staying warm and getting good jammies on.

Getting jammies on is very exctiting!!!  (Zach will kill me if ever sees this :  )

Picking a book is can be so fun!

Reading them can be even more fun!!

Kisses goodnight!!

All tucked in and ready for some sweet dreams!
(This picture kills me because we just bought them bunk beds so that they could sleep together without sharing a bed since Matt hasn't slept in his room for months, and what happens?  They still sleep in the same bed together!)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Snow Days and Sunshine

It has been a great week of Snow Days and sunshine.  Wednesday we had a snow day which gave us a greate chance to lay around in our jammies all day and do a whole lot of nothing!  It was pure bliss (minus the 4200 fights that were caused by three boys being cooped up in a house).  And today the sun is shining and hopefully all of this leftover snow will melt away.

Spring Break started this weekend and the boys are so excited to be out of school for the week.  Now to find enough to keep them from being bored and to remind them that even though they don't have school we still have work and that means that yes there is a bed time (I can already hear the crys).

I am sure there will be plenty more to come this weekend but now we our off to football jersey fittings.

What are your plans for Spring Break?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Reaping the rewards

Being a mother allows you to reap a lot of rewards.  One of my least favorites of these is "Mom jewelry".  I have never been a fan of the idea of wearing three dangling figures around my neck.  It just never has struck my fancy.  And then several weeks ago I found a fabulous alternative. A great shop on Etsy called sTuck in the Coop sells these amazing handmade pieces of jewelry.

A fabulous mom handmakes these necklaces, and as a Valentine's Day present from my hubby I ordered myself one.  I am anxiously awaiting it's arrival.

Tonight a discovered another amazing "mom" jewelry line that I am madly in love with.  Tali Gillete makes beautiful non-mom Mama jewelry that I am just dying to get my hands on and lucky for my husband is currently out of stock of this necklace.

(Imagine this amazing necklace covered in diamonds!!! Because she has them!!!!!!)

So I learned a lesson today.  Not all "Mom" jewelry is bad and there is always something out there for you, you just may have to look a little harder.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When I grow up...

What did you want to be when you grew up?  Did you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a ballerina or an explorer? 
The 1st thing I wanted to be was an archeologist.  I wanted to find dinosaurs and search for Noah's Ark.  Then I found out that being an archeologist required getting dirty and I quickly lost the interest.  Next on my list was to become a lawyer.  My dad is an attorney and I was at an age where I wanted to be just like him.  That didn't last long though and I moved on to my next plan of attack, teaching.  I wanted to be a teacher for a long time.  I still would love to be a teacher, but unfortunately teaching doesn't pay nearly enough to support our big ol family. 
So I am still left with what do I want to be when I grow up?  I have a great job.  A stable, well paying job.  But it isn't my passion.  It is a job.  It is actually a career but it is in no way fufilling. It still leaves me with a sense of what do I want to do and what do I want to be. 
So I go back to the things I wanted to do a kid. 
Archeologist:  Every day I am tasked with discovering a hidden treasure.  Whether it is a missing shoe that has made its way to a dark corner under the couch, or a missing well loved Woody doll who somehow ended up under the bathroom sink. 
Lawyer:  Some days it doesn't feel like there is a single moment that is not spent settling an argument.  And there are even occassions when I am forced to fight for what I believe in.
Teacher:  Being a mom is all about teaching. Learning to use the toliet, learning to use a fork, learning to get dressed, learning to read, learning to be themselves.  I teach lessons everyday.

So apparently I fufilled my childhood dreams.  I have been everything I wanted to be growing up. 

So now I guess it is time to find out what I want to do now that I am a grown up. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mom I Need You

Those words either melt your heart or break your heart.  And tonight they broke my heart.  The boys have been spreading a wonderful sickness amongst eachother and today was Zach's turn to receive the gift.  He made it about an hour into school this morning before we got the call that he was sick.  And boy was he.   This kid is never still, never quiet and always hungry.  The only times he has moved today is to get to the bathroom.  Poor buddy is super sick. 
And that is why I heard "Mom, I neeeeeed you," being called out from the bathroom.  As sad as I am for him that he feels so miserable I love the fact that my 9 year old tough guy needs me, because on most days there isn't a whole lot that he needs from me.  It is nice to know that when time gets tough even bigger boys need their moms. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Food Revolution

Tonight I was patiently waiting (okay I am not a very patient person) for Brothers and Sisters to come on. I love that show, it is part of my Sunday night routine.
Instead of my regularly scheduled programming I got, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution  Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution .  The show is about Jamie Oliver (a fairly cute British chef) going to America's fattest town and trying to help them change their food habits, starting with school lunches. 
A couple of weeks ago I bought the movie Food Inc. and was left with a very unsettled feeling about what we eat as a family and even more so about what my kids eat.  That said I have yet to implement any crazy drastic changes to our food repetoire.  It is not that I don't want to (okay that is a lie, I love food and usually food that has little to no nutritional value) but it is hard.  It takes more work to be healthy.  It takes planning, it takes preparation, it takes me getting off my booty and doing something besides ordering pizza or stopping at the drive thru. 
I would like to think that I can begin to make changes to increase the health of my family and myself.  So my 1st plan of action is going to be to begin serving salad every day at my house.  For some in the house this won't be a big deal and they will actually be happy about it (Matt and Mike) for others (Zach and me) this will be a harder change to fully embrace.  Now Joey may be hit or miss you just never know.  So that is my pledge this week.  We are going to have our own Revolution.  One thing at a time we are going to change, some may stick some may not, but the family will hopefully in the end come out of this project healthier.

Hopefully Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution will help to inspire me and others to make the changes to increase the health of our children and even ourselves.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Will my house ever be clean again?

It is cleaning time in the Scott house and I think the only one who is actually accomplishing anything is Mike. He is tackling the never ending pile of laundry. The boys are supposed to be picking up the toy room right now but I pretty sure they are once again holding a hardcore wrestling match.
I have never been a neat freak, but I do love when things are picked up. I don't mind if the floor isn't sparkling but I would like to see my counter tops. With a house of 5 plus our sweet hairy Bella I seem to fighting a losing battle. The second we get one area clean the boys move in like a swarm of locusts and all the hardwork is gone.
I have tried taking one room at a time and I have tried establishing a day to clean each room but it just doesn't work. Our unscheduled family life does not lend itself to scheduled clean. : )
So another day of fighting a never ending battle of little boy clutter and messiness. Wish me luck over the next few hours as we prepare to invite company over, hopefully they will be able to see the top of the table to eat off of it.

Mom Guilt.....

So I have experienced mom guilt since the moment my first son was born. Whether it was guilt about not breastfeeding long enough or guilt over going back to work so soon. My life as a mother has been filled by guilt. The majority of guilt is self imposed, couldn't I be doing something (everything) better, couldn't I be doing more.

So I digress, that is not really where this post was headed. The current incarnation of my guilt manifests itself in my volunteering. I seem to volunteer for everything, even things I don't want to volunteer for. But somewhere I feel like if I am volunteering I making up for all of the wrongs (or preceived wrongs) of my motherhood. And please don't misinterpret this post as thinking that I think I am a bad mom, because frankly I kick ass. I don't do it all well but I do the best I can.

Now back to the overabundance of my volunteering. It doesn't matter if it is room mom, team mom, classroom volunteering, PTA volunteering, the football board, lacrosse, t-ball you name it and I can't keep from raising my hand. I think some of this (okay a lot of it) is for me and not even for my kids. I feel better about myself if I feel like I am doing more. If I am a martyr. How jacked up is that? I do enjoy it though. I love being team mom. I love working in Joey's classroom. Now I could deal with not being room mom, PTA just isn't doing it for me and well lacrosse never even really got started luckily.

But it all stems from guilt. Guilt that I am not doing enough for the boys. That they deserve more than I have given them. I want them to have and be anything that they want, so since I know I cannot give them everything I do everything that I can. And it frankly just gets to be to much sometimes. So I am trying to cut back. Find the things that I love and if they benefit the kids activities even better. It is time to let go of the guilt and appreciate what we have done for our kids not what we haven't.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Days

So after a week of beautiful Colorado weather we were hit this morning with snow. Now snow in and of itself isn't bad.
Getting out of the house to go to work with three boys in tow, in the snow, is bad. There is just so much ridiculousness that has to be done when you throw in three kids. Jackets, hats, mittens, boots, and then lets not forget everything else required for a normal school day. I am not sure what it is about the beautiful white blanket of snow that makes everything seem to go in slow motion. We all just move a little bit slower, I think we are all secretly wishing that we were still in bed snuggled under the covers instead of bundled out heading out into the blistering cold.

So after a slower than normal drive to work and school I found myself sitting in my office dreaming of being at home snuggled under the covers. It is so funny to me that an office full of grown ups sound much like a third grade classroom when it snows, with a few exceptions. Instead of wishing we weren't in class but outside playing, my office sat wishing aloud for the office to be closed so we could go home and snuggle under the covers. (You may have picked up on a reoccurring wish of mine, and frankly that wish isn't reserved for snow days but for any day that I would rather ditch my office and stay at home.).

But today I got my wish. Not as early as I would have like it, but they called a snow day this afternoon. At two o'clock we were released from the chains on our desk and sent home to face that part of our lives. For me it was a welcome escape. The kids were still in school for 45 minutes and I did just what I wanted. Snuggled under the covers and waited for 3 sweet boys to come and join me. And as soon as they did I was reminded why in my wish I am alone. My bed quickly became the latest location for Wrestlmania, and the snuggling was turned into body slams.

So what is a working mommy of 3 to do on a Friday afternoon. I opened the bottle of wine and moved myself from my bed to a comfy living chair. Not quite the snuggling I had in mind but an early start to happy hour is never a bad thing.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am a mom of three beautiful boys. Okay now that I have given you the "perfect mom" statement I will tell you the truth.
I am the mom of three crazy, sometimes out of control beautiful boys. They are a wild bunch. Certainly not what I thought I would have when I dreamed of being a mom years ago.
My feisty and fiery Zach is 9 years old. He is an athletic, snotty (yes he is my kid so I can say that) kid who just can't seem to take no for an answer. He struggles with ADHD and we struggle with him. It isn't easy but we are making our way through it one day, and one minute at a time.
Sweet, sweet Joey is my darling middle child. He is currently going through an emotional phase. He gets his little feelers hurt fairly regularly but he is fiesty and fierce when he needs to be, but will usually crawl into a corner afterwards to let his true feelings out.
Matthew. Matthew is my sweet and amazing baby. He will tell you he loves you every chance he gets but will also tell you "I know that" anytime you correct him or try to tell him anything he wants you to know that at 3 he already knows it. He knows everything.
I love them all. I love them the same and yet differently. They amaze me everyday and frustrate me at the same time.
OK, get ready for the cheese.
They are the light of my life. They are the reason I get up everyday (okay, some days are later than others). They are my heart.