Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am a mom of three beautiful boys. Okay now that I have given you the "perfect mom" statement I will tell you the truth.
I am the mom of three crazy, sometimes out of control beautiful boys. They are a wild bunch. Certainly not what I thought I would have when I dreamed of being a mom years ago.
My feisty and fiery Zach is 9 years old. He is an athletic, snotty (yes he is my kid so I can say that) kid who just can't seem to take no for an answer. He struggles with ADHD and we struggle with him. It isn't easy but we are making our way through it one day, and one minute at a time.
Sweet, sweet Joey is my darling middle child. He is currently going through an emotional phase. He gets his little feelers hurt fairly regularly but he is fiesty and fierce when he needs to be, but will usually crawl into a corner afterwards to let his true feelings out.
Matthew. Matthew is my sweet and amazing baby. He will tell you he loves you every chance he gets but will also tell you "I know that" anytime you correct him or try to tell him anything he wants you to know that at 3 he already knows it. He knows everything.
I love them all. I love them the same and yet differently. They amaze me everyday and frustrate me at the same time.
OK, get ready for the cheese.
They are the light of my life. They are the reason I get up everyday (okay, some days are later than others). They are my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Cara, You are such an amazing mother! Your kids are awsome and I look up to all you do! I would like to do more team mom stuff, but I don't want all that responsibility, so here is where I feel guilty! I think we all feel the same way!
