Yeah!!!! Surgery went great today. We had to be at the surgery center at 7:00 this morning to sign in for Joey's frenulumectmy (they clipped the little connector under his tongue). I was a nervous wreck and Joey was just as sweet as can be.
There of course were candy machines in the waiting room so all Joey could think about was getting candy when he was done. : ) Finally a little before 8 they called us back to the pre-op area. They gave him the cutest little hospital gown to wear, he thought they were kidding when they told him he had to change clothes. Our pre-op room was very cute with a great mural of wild safari animals, Joey's favorite, and a TV with video games. They were definitely prepared for children. The nurses were wonderful, the doctors were great. But every second was horrible for this mommy. The anticipation was the worst, or almost the worst.
We thought we would be able to go back while they put him under but that didn't happen. When it was time for him to go back he tried to crawl out of the bed and started crying for me. That was the hardest. It was heartbreaking to see someone take your child away and not be able to do anything to stop it.
But within what seemed like only minutes they called us back and he was sitting up picking out a popcicle (red of course!). They monitored him for a while, and he was pretty wobbly when it was time to go, but he is just as perfect as ever.
We hope that within a couple of weeks his speech will begin to improve, and for me this memory can fade to the background to make way for much happier things. Like, the circus party!!!