Monday, September 15, 2008


This weekend Zach had his 2nd football game of the season. The 1st one last week, was so fun!! They won by 4 touchdowns and just played great. It is so fun to watch your children win and be good at something.

This weekend they were not so lucky. Poor buddies lost 48 - 17. Not a good way to go down. Why is it that I feel like I lost. I was exhausted and cranky after the game, as if I had been playing football for 3 hours in the hot sun. But no, I was sitting on the sideline enjoying funnel cake and a Pepsi. But yet I was the one bummed out. Don't get me wrong, my son loves to win. He is one of the most competitive children I know. He turns everything into a game, unfortunately I think it got this from me. Everything tends to be win or lose, who got it first, whose is best, etc....

In some ways I feel like we gave him an early advantage in the world, focusing on competition. After all grownups are constantly competing with one another, whether it be for a new job, a spouse, and even those crazy ones that still compete in athletic competitions. But on the other hand, I don't want him to feel that if he doesn't win at something, then he is not good at it. For goodness sakes, he has so many years to win and grow, and learn.

So how much competition is to much? Where is the line between a healthy competitive spirit and obnoxiousness?

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