I have recently started following MckMama's blog . Read up on her amazing journey-be careful-its addiciting! Anyway, she began sharing her "not-me's" and has decided to make a weekly event of it. She has challenged her followers to do the same! But what is a "not-me" you ask?
Well, here is an example or 2, (I say examples, because I would not do these things, not me!!):
"I did NOT skip going to the grocery store last night because I was too tired knowing full well if I went tonight it meant I wouldn't have to go to football practice and that Joey loves watching his brother practice so much that I would get to go to the store all alone and Mike would have to watch the kids for two hours" Nope, not me.
"I did NOT stay out too late on Saturday night, and have 1 to many glasses of wine while out to dinner with friends. I did not then tell my mother I couldn't paint a bathroom with her on Sunday, just so that I wouldn't have to see the disappointed look (yes still in my 30's I do everything I can to avoid the dreaded look of disappoinment) when she could have plainly seen what I look like with to little sleep and to much wine at 10 in the morning." Nope, not me. I would never tell a lie.
"I did NOT tell my husband that we were having a pony at Joey's birthday party, to then tell him a day later that we were also having a jump castle, and then a day after that "remind" him of the balloon artist and face painter. I did NOT purposefully forget to tell him about getting a clown to come for a couple of hours, too." Nope, not me.
"I did NOT tell my husband that the spaghetti dinner for the football team, that we are hosting at our house on Friday night, had only 22 RSVP's last week, knowing that at least 25 more people had RSVPd over the weekend. " Nope, not me.
Things like that, that's what posting about on "Not Me Monday", is. So, if you're so inclined, join in the "Not Me Monday" carnival by clicking the orange button to the right to read everyones "not-me's", maybe you'll even decide to join in the fun and play by leaving your own "not-me's" here in my comment section!
I did not get my hub out of the house on his day off to do errands so I could "work", and then sit on the computer playing for FOUR hours. NO I did not. Nope didn't do that AT ALL!