Friday, March 19, 2010

Snow Days

So after a week of beautiful Colorado weather we were hit this morning with snow. Now snow in and of itself isn't bad.
Getting out of the house to go to work with three boys in tow, in the snow, is bad. There is just so much ridiculousness that has to be done when you throw in three kids. Jackets, hats, mittens, boots, and then lets not forget everything else required for a normal school day. I am not sure what it is about the beautiful white blanket of snow that makes everything seem to go in slow motion. We all just move a little bit slower, I think we are all secretly wishing that we were still in bed snuggled under the covers instead of bundled out heading out into the blistering cold.

So after a slower than normal drive to work and school I found myself sitting in my office dreaming of being at home snuggled under the covers. It is so funny to me that an office full of grown ups sound much like a third grade classroom when it snows, with a few exceptions. Instead of wishing we weren't in class but outside playing, my office sat wishing aloud for the office to be closed so we could go home and snuggle under the covers. (You may have picked up on a reoccurring wish of mine, and frankly that wish isn't reserved for snow days but for any day that I would rather ditch my office and stay at home.).

But today I got my wish. Not as early as I would have like it, but they called a snow day this afternoon. At two o'clock we were released from the chains on our desk and sent home to face that part of our lives. For me it was a welcome escape. The kids were still in school for 45 minutes and I did just what I wanted. Snuggled under the covers and waited for 3 sweet boys to come and join me. And as soon as they did I was reminded why in my wish I am alone. My bed quickly became the latest location for Wrestlmania, and the snuggling was turned into body slams.

So what is a working mommy of 3 to do on a Friday afternoon. I opened the bottle of wine and moved myself from my bed to a comfy living chair. Not quite the snuggling I had in mind but an early start to happy hour is never a bad thing.

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