Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When I grow up...

What did you want to be when you grew up?  Did you want to be a doctor, a lawyer, a ballerina or an explorer? 
The 1st thing I wanted to be was an archeologist.  I wanted to find dinosaurs and search for Noah's Ark.  Then I found out that being an archeologist required getting dirty and I quickly lost the interest.  Next on my list was to become a lawyer.  My dad is an attorney and I was at an age where I wanted to be just like him.  That didn't last long though and I moved on to my next plan of attack, teaching.  I wanted to be a teacher for a long time.  I still would love to be a teacher, but unfortunately teaching doesn't pay nearly enough to support our big ol family. 
So I am still left with what do I want to be when I grow up?  I have a great job.  A stable, well paying job.  But it isn't my passion.  It is a job.  It is actually a career but it is in no way fufilling. It still leaves me with a sense of what do I want to do and what do I want to be. 
So I go back to the things I wanted to do a kid. 
Archeologist:  Every day I am tasked with discovering a hidden treasure.  Whether it is a missing shoe that has made its way to a dark corner under the couch, or a missing well loved Woody doll who somehow ended up under the bathroom sink. 
Lawyer:  Some days it doesn't feel like there is a single moment that is not spent settling an argument.  And there are even occassions when I am forced to fight for what I believe in.
Teacher:  Being a mom is all about teaching. Learning to use the toliet, learning to use a fork, learning to get dressed, learning to read, learning to be themselves.  I teach lessons everyday.

So apparently I fufilled my childhood dreams.  I have been everything I wanted to be growing up. 

So now I guess it is time to find out what I want to do now that I am a grown up. 

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